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How would you like to contribute?
Thank you
Support the Fairfax India Charitable Foundation's noble Dialysis mission and get 80G exemptions.
(Donation Accepted Only From Resident Indian Individuals / Entities)
Electronic bank transfer:
Organisation Name Fairfax India Charitable Foundation
Bank Account Number 0412829077
Name of the Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd
Address of the Bank Unit No. A-01. A-05, Matulya Centre-A, Mumbai, 400013. Maharashtra. india
Branch code 638
MICR code 400485011
Donation via Cheque / DD
Beneficiary: Fairfax India Charitable Foundation
Send the Cheque / DD to:
Mr Abraham Alapatt - CEO
Fairfax India Charitable Foundation
Marathon Futurex, 11th Floor,
N M Joshi Marg,
Lower Parel (E),
Mumbai - 400 013

Post Donating Please Provide Following Details:
Enter Donor's name
Enter Valid Address
Enter Valid Email
Enter Your 10 Digit Mobile Number
Enter Valid Cheque No./DD No./NEFT ID
Enter Your Bank Name
Enter Valid PAN card Number
Enter Amount
Please attach your PAN Card for donation above INR 25000
Issue 80g Certificate
(Donation below INR 1000, we would not be able to issue 80g certificate)
Max 150 words